Sunday, October 16, 2022

Types of LEADERS

 Originally published in
June 6, 2017

         The world has already grown old enough to enumerate countless leaders who ran amok the universe causing harm to many. There are numerous leaders who tiptoed, thus creating blitzkriegs to defeat those who've caused such harm. However, leaders who do nothing are not leaders at all. This makes me wonder at times whether or not I should be a leader.

          You can't say I'm not old enough to say how to lead nor say I haven't led enough to comment on leadership. But I have grown enough to witness leaders and how difficult their job is. I have been "led" enough to have a say on this. My first leadership was way back in high school,  actually my freshmen years. I was pushed to commandeer my team because if I failed, I would get a he'll lot of "verbal beating". My  question was always "HOW AM I TO DO THIS?"

        Now that I've grown  of age the question changed to, "DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME? Quite far fetched, you make think. Not necessarily folks. My younger self asked "HOW AM I TO DO THIS?" because there are consequences to failure and such consequences are directly pointed at me. As a defense mechanism, I did my best because I don't want to fail. The older me asked "DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME?" simply because asking the first question isn't much of a help. I realized I was asking the wrong one.

       "DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME? This question is relative to a lot more, but the most important of all is, "IS THIS ALL ABOUT ME?" I wonder. This question may even have lead me to question myself in comparison with others as options for the role. But putting the stress on ME makes the difference.

       Does leadership have to mean the leader? Isn't it not about "leading" at all? I always wonder how many leaders still ask my first question. You may also think that only the incompetent ones should ask my second. You see, asking my first question simply implies EGOISM. You are doing the job for your self's sake and not the team's. Your actions as a leader is founded on self-interest. The sad truth is  you are always convinced that your actions are for the benefit of your team, your subordinates. The team is just your cover-up but the real picture paints your own ego. You who are the face of your team. You who should not be put to shame when the team fails. You who grabs the team's glory with both hands while sticking your name on it. You who could just humiliate them in front of many because you think you can. YOU.

       Why ask my second question? Rather, when to ask it? You only ask, "DOES IT HAVE TO BE ME?" when you are not so full of yourself. When you realize that leadership is not about YOU as the leader. It is about all of you in the TEAM. This doesn't mean that you have no regard for consequences, of course you have,  however you are more focused on NOW and face the consequences (good or bad) together. You create a circle where everyone plays a role not a pyramid putting YOU on top.


       The bottom line is, you would only truly succeed as a leader when you know  that you are not KING who should be obeyed and feared; That whatever glory you think you may have gotten, you didn't get it on your own. You have your comrades to thank for. Remember that no one is can be called a leader if he/she has no followers. You would never be followed if you treat people badly. If you're still asking the first question. Please wake up!

      I am not a leader if your concept is to put me atop the PYRAMID. If you tell me that I be a leader to complete the CIRCLE then I can be. Give me a ROLE not a POSITION.



To Teach or NOT to Teach; That is the QUESTION



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