Monday, October 24, 2022


Here's a drill that would help you enhance your speaking skills with the use of the progressive tenses.

The Present Continuous

What to do:

1. Tell us who you are or what you do at the moment briefly.

2. Use the present progressive tense.

3. Take a video of yourself in 30 to 60 seconds only.

4. Submit video to Google Classroom. Please make sure the video is in mp4 format.

NOTE: Watch the sample video to be guided accordingly.

Hi, I'm Teacher Jeanille. And I am currently teaching at Asian College of Technology. I am teaching English subject for Grades 7, 8, 9 and 10. I am loving what I do.

The Past Continuous

What to do:

1. Tell us some experience you've had in the past which could have been interrupted by another action briefly.

2. Use the past progressive tense.

3. Take a video of yourself in 30 to 60 seconds only.

4. Submit video to Google Classroom. Please make sure the video is in mp4 format.

NOTE: Watch the sample video to be guided accordingly.

I am Teacher Jeanille. Aside from English, I also teach Dressmaking. I was gussying up for my class fashion shown when the pandemic broke. My students were sewing their sleep wears when the school president announced the suspension of classes.

The Future Continuous

What to do:

1. Tell us some experience you've had in the past which could have been interrupted by another action briefly.

2. Use the past progressive tense.

3. Take a video of yourself in 30 to 60 seconds only.

4. Submit video to Google Classroom. Please make sure the video is in mp4 format.

NOTE: Watch the sample video to be guided accordingly.

 I am Teacher Jeanille and one of the things I am eyeing to do is reading audio books. I will be exerting effort to practice and of course taking care of my voice starting next week. I will be rendering my resume once my module writing tasks are accomplished. Wish me luck!

Good luck everyone!

English 7
The Progressive Tenses


  1. Wow Hi teacher Jeanille love your blog and your channel

  2. really helpful and useful blog, same goes for the channel. amazing 💪

  3. I really love you're blog Miss jeanille and it's very amazing!

  4. Wow! this is really helpful, thankyou Ms.Jeanille.

  5. Thank you for the helpful blog miss.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. wow this really helpful and I am amazed in your vlog so much



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