Sunday, October 16, 2022


Originally published in
November 29, 2017

School Year 2017-2018


Angel of Death
by Brendan Salazar

I am a warrior, a hero
Through war I live
It is my purpose, my destiny
       I am born by his will,
       I am made by my destiny.
My genes were crafted
By the greatest who ever lived.
       My faith is my shield,
       My body is my will.
With these I slay.
Time and time again, I am VICTORY!
The foes of man are numerous.
But I shall stand;
       Because I am a warrior,
       Because I am a hero.
And through war I live.

My Wave
by Lourdes Ann Dacua

Every wave in the ocean,
Shall always crash in front of you.
In every wave, there's always a wave beneath it.
Sometimes it may hurt but don't run away from it.
The bigger the wave, the braver you get.
        Strong winds may help you out,
        Colossal waves may bury you down,
Dark clouds may change your heart,
But every wave in the ocean
Is your wave, you only have to face it.

The Author
by Johanna Abellanosa

Myriad words had spiraled
Creating different stories.
Words can be a drug or a backlash.
It could be serious or mysterious:
        Poisonous as the ivy;
        Beautiful as the rainbow;
        Harmonious as the music.
Like a skyrocket blasting in the sky
The day all it will be gone
Then, we will be lost and done.
The life of authors is the life of words.
Words in a milestone had spiraled.

Beginning of Something New
by Mary Chrisha Tadios

The rising of the nightfall
Never we expect its arrival
In all confusion, we make it an illusion
On the grave he stays.
Death stands there with scythe on his hands,
Telling us, "Embrace what's true and due!"
        Beneath each shadow there's beauty we must behold;
        With every rumor there's truth we must face;
        Amidst each pain there's acceptance we mus learn.
No darkness can be so ugly and beautiful
But only death can be so gorgeously frightful.
The rising of the nightfall, we must never fear
For it is not the end 
Hence, the beginning of something new.

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