Sunday, October 16, 2022


 This is a sample of the NEWSLETTER project of the Grade 10 English: Introduction to Journalism.

The cover page must contain the following: name of the newsletter, logo, photo and caption+cutline, "what's inside". The photo must involve events that took place in school and must be photojournalism. (Note: The photo in the sample may not be photojournalism but it is catchy and effective because of the prominent personality in the photo.)

The second page, must contain the following: 
    - one editorial cartoon together with the article that talks about the issue depicted in the cartoon
   - editorial column or columns depending on the available space. (The editorial column is an editorial that doesn't go with a cartoon.)
- the editorial staff
Page three(3) must contain news that must have photos. Photos must come with captions. Captions must be the standard format taught in class. (Refer to your notes.) 
NOTE: Make sure you include the news you wrote during our English class in either p.3 or p.4.

Pages 4,5,6 must contain the following:
- feature articles
-other photos with their appropriate captions

Page 7 must contain some other news articles which may have not fit in page 3. (Note: This sample may contain articles in Filipino but in your project, all articles must be in English.)

Page 8 must contain articles, together with photos and captions,  regarding sports.

- The newsletter must contain articles written FOR, ABOUT or BY Asianistas. However, you may include interesting articles from the internet for the Feature pages. Make sure sources are cited.
- Always make sure the photos have credits and the articles must have bylines.
-The headlines must be Tahoma Bold, size: 14 above
- The body  must be Times New Roman size 10.
-The newsletter must be approved by Mrs. Cogtas before printing.
-The size is 8.5 by 13 or the long bond paper...



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