Sunday, October 16, 2022


Originally published in
December 4, 2017

SY 2016-2017


by Jeff Navarro

Thy heart, not merely found in photographs,
Alas! We're taken by your fated man
Would you allow poor me take even half?
I dreamed from far as darkness quickly pans.
Blood spilt a crimson splatter, Oh 'twas horrible,
Ropes tighten for such wormish struggle, dear.
Tears drop like acid rain, I felt illegible.
It will end sooner love... Please do not fear.
I've never dreamed that it would be like this.
'Twas like you shivered as you witnessed few,
Indeed it was disastrous, such a mess!
But these are mine to be endured for you.
In truth, I'll love you all my life, my dame.
Just once, I wish that you could say the same.

by Kian Salsbury

Hello, my friend. What are you doing here?
Now's certainly not a good time to talk
The voices have begun to reappear
A lot more ear-piercing than a bird's squawk
As I sit on my throne full of thorns, wistfully
My inner demons look at me with scorn
And I let a lone rose prick my skin callously
I ask my maker why I had been born
But now, you have walked past by my flawed sight
Your flawless aura radiates the room
The shadows in the darkness brought to light
Feels like I've just emerged from my mom's womb
Now that you're here, the voices have declined
The light has conquered darkness in my mind.

by Lalaine R. Omnes

To show the judge your now-tormented soul,
You keep your gaze as blank as one can be.
The witness said that you were white and whole
And withered only after meeting me.
Described by Mother as precious flow'r
That bloomed in beauty ev'ry passing day,
They say that I took but a single hour
To steal your sacred innocence away.
But I would argue it had fled years past
Before my hands could ever reach your skin,
For where can any innocence yet last
Where one is feeding darkness deep within?
Alas, I know that this case you will win,
Although 'twas you  who begged for us to sin.

by Valerie Aldridge

I have dreamed erstwhile of a far off place.
Where greenwood and growth lavished the great land,
A distant realm of concord and calm grace,
A mortal's vision of what may be grand.
A soul of young wide-eyed roamer comes,
Walks under endless, blooming sea of trees,
Intently listens to the rapid drums,
An endless night consumes the land and seas.
But uproars nearby have begun to grow,
Bombs kill the natives as they fill their cup,
Depression floods what was once so aglow,
The silence of the fallen wakes me up.

by Jenika Nero

Come listen to the whispers loud up here
In my head; nothings, everythings all mixed
To make fun and mess with the things once clear
And I'm afraid no one can get this fixed.
No soul shall enter this glass fortress, friend
Its fragile wall unsteady and too weak
One tap by a fist brings all to an end
No moment was I strong, such mind is meek
But then the mind itself is tricky too
Since often skies clear and the flowers bloom
Thus leaving breeze to blow away the blue
Though I know better; I can sense my doom.
Yet worry not about me, you should know
Some battles like this must be fought alone.

by Rene Legarde

In such dawn full of nightmares, we may seize
And tomorrow may not be so surreal
We face death, leaving us no certainties.
Could minds be boggled and numb hearts may feel?
When danger is beside me to scare thee,
Your blissful hands invite such warm embrace.
Delightful looks, intoxicating glee,
Could calm the beast that never shows a grace.
But villains may come fast to outright me
Beware of hazards that hit like a drought.
The lads don't realize whose foe you'd be,
And they were left of thoughts and clueless doubt.
The wariness of life can throw us back.
But inspiration leads to the right track.

by Denise Rayza A. Cairo

The night comes, silence crawls towards my mind
The sound of darkness, bouncing every time
The light I'm seeking for, I'll never find
It makes me worried, sad, scared like a crime
This dusk is my friend, my kin not my foe
This sorrow comforts me like my own home
This feeling can't stop, shouldn't be my woe
Distress is with me every time I roam
But I removed the curtains, then saw light
I never thought that life would be superb
Until the end, I won't lose hope, I'll fight
I'll concentrate to win, hush, don't disturb
This battle I have right now, I should take
This I should face to take out all the ache.

by Khylle Andre C. Cabusas

Awoken to the flare of the sun's grace
I steady my mind, for a brand-new day
I tread towards the door at my own pace
For there are things to do, so I can't stay.
For there are many chances that may come
Heart soaring in azure skies like a quail
For there is progress that needs to be done
But travail can ascend upon my path
I'd rather stay in my house like dome
And if I do, I will face life's great wrath
And my heart will go fickle and will roam
I must seize the day for it is so long
The journey will be cruel, but I'll stay strong.

by Noni Kent A. Kaindoy

The wind it blows, on shining bright blue skies
The sky so clear on shining bright sunlight
The windy breeze it blows as the air rise
The sky up high on wind's flight near my sight
I feel its breeze as it flies in a trance.
The swaying trees on their warm gentle breeze
The trees release their leaves as they all dance
They all dance from the swaying swinging trees
When clouds form 'round the sky when the rain comes
The wind around the shading sky grows pale
Each day when you can hear the windy hums
When screams of air come near. The wind gone stale.
It's quite a breeze for the air as it knows
For it is quite clear for the wind it blows.

by Paul Irvin T. Santillan

You're glowing like the sun about to rise
I am so happy that you have arrived
A look from your eyes, dear, shall but suffice
Without you maybe none of me survived.
You're shining so bright like a bar of gold
A perfect rose that hangs still on a string
I'm wishing that you'll never be so cold
Princess, our fire will be never ending
But everything has ended in a snap
Please take my hand and never let me go
So stupid, dumb... I'm nothing but a crap
Don't give up on me cause I love you so
Refined I tried, struggling to be perfect
I'm even defect, I slay to protect.

by Allysha Danielle E. Tadios

She was afraid of what's to be it seems.
She cried herself to sleep tonight
She hoped the sun will shine, brush off the dreams
The painful memories she had with might
Her heart, the pained thing broke a thousandth time
Witnessed her parents fight, she shattered? Yes!
It's on repeat as if it was  a crime
she hates it all! She was a broken glass
She wept and hoped for her last breath today
But what she saw inspired her to ascend
A glimpse of light she looked but not away
She picked the shards and said, "It's not the end!"
"Turn everything to dream." she plead.
She'll face the fear although she knows she'll bleed.

by Ken Rave Agtoto

The years unraveled and I lost my glow
I came to feel much like some loathsome trash
The love of someone else you came to know
As self esteem then crumbled with a crash
She sees the fake from fact her pride now past
She takes a breath and sees the big blue sky
Her past not perfect but she's free at last
She needs no answers to the question, "why"
The sun would not go down till we had met
No more a tear imprisoned by her past
And dreams of me would leave you in a sweat
A simple smile her dice she has now cast
I bring my puzzle looking for a match
At last she'll be my true love's perfect catch

by Joy Apurado

A night that seem so calm, the scene forlorn,
With so much wonder, grows more fonder by time
A child you'll see, queer and bizarre is born,
The right time will come and it's all sublime
Just spread your wings and never quail.
Begin your journey, you must do it well,
You'll stumble in your way and try to fail,
But maybe someday you can somehow tell
But you'll begin to worry and have doubt,
Things you may not be the way it was.
The fright you have, face it but don't shout
You'll conquer it and surely it will pass.
Defeat the terror that controls your mind,
Set your life free, it'll go by with your kind.

by Kyle Joseph Supan

These people follow calendars for date,
In rhythm with the tick-tock of the clock,
They walk with knees when they want blessed fate,
And to follow achievers they then mock.
Their breathing is round o'er the hustling leaves,
They share the air but not a flow that's fair,
Some people rise from start till end of eves,
They fight and cry and stare, still they can dare.
But still they doubt and blame and lose their trust,
They stopped, and think what can't be seen ain't real,
And there, they start to squeeze, forget and rust,
Eternity's desire, they will conceal.
Just welcome stormy nights to rip the roof,
For sure, contentment will not be aloof.

by Lois Laboga

For being in love is my most desire,
For all I know the hindrance pining rough,
For all I know it will burn like wildfire.
I must know these fires, I must know how tough.
When I see thee through solemn and slow drive,
I know our journey will be lief big blast.
Come sweeten the hive,for like bees we strive
Composing movies and we being cast.
A throw voyage counts counts, even riding carts.
As we play ahead with the song on disc.
Sometimes our words pass through our heart like darts,
Although my heart beats for you; still so brisk.
Why was it we stumbled, and found new love?
Somehow we could sense omnipotent clove.

by Joveth Mariel L. Fanilag

She wrote her poetry with bliss and life
Through darkness and in light, in sorrow's time
She dare not stop in writing through her strife
She found her mark in words she failed to climb
A glimpse of shadow soon then shows the light
The boat is floating through the center sea
Not knowing tons of grievous waves in sight
Awaits the perfect time she can't dare see
Heart pounding, face is gloomy, hands are keen
Not sure... oh, what to do? - dusk guzzling through
There stood calm silhouette of massive sin
Afraid, but made it through without any ado
In darkness and in light, through waves and storms
Out in oblivion she morphs in grand forms.

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