Sunday, October 16, 2022


 School Year 2017-2018

Hardened Strength

You took me to a journey we both tread
And you gave me my moments, worst and best.
Left me to be destroyed on my death bed.
I would stay but I should leave for the best.
The darkness crawls round me in my sleep.
I'd drown myself in sorrow and regret;
Emotions tun to cliffs that feel so steep.
This pain is an unleashed fire, yet I'm set.
I am a soldier, dying yet I stand.
I'll still walk on this road of shattered glass.
Still, if it all runs out, Time's grains of sand
I'd love you and the pain would pass.
No matter how hard the pain will strike me,
I will still love you and set my heart free.

The Rise of Destruction

What can I say except that you were vexed.
All it gave was the constant joy one day
To becoming my enemy the next
Because of your words I'm alone today.
You said you would be happy if I burned
You said it was my fault and it was me
And so I thought of what it could have turned
From all the memories that washed the sea.
Came freedom, vengeance and some king of fate
So because of you I will make my mark
I'm stronger, better adn best from your hate
And I can and I will fade from the dark.
And from your darkness there came a fire's gleam;
And yes I'll burn and be the brightest beam.


The time of stillness has brought down my sight.
Although the tase of vigor craves for quill,
My mind destroys my soul before the plight
And after the play of dusk ends with ill.
Its iron cogs reached its phase of pure rime
Where the gears break to riffle through the breach
If the vast cosmos cannot bring down time,
Will distance hinder my own haste of speech?
The distance widens my point of view instantly
Where little parts bond into a short song.
I even can't rip through illusions endlessly
And yet the warmth of one's soul strays along.
The chance of seeing her smile to the end
And the remembrance for my heart to mend.

Drunk with the Hiccups

The Devil came forth to me and he said,
"Do you want to know how he died my Son?"
Drunk witht he hiccups he died in his bed.
Each bottle he drank, he was on the run.
The Devil muttered with lips burning bright.
Hell is an awful place with raining men.
Where the slaves are trapped by inferno's blight!
And they wail and scream to be free again.
But you already know what hell feels right?
My baffled face I am so clearly shocked.
Well then, you are blind, Slave, have you lost sight?
Now go back to your hole! I shan't be mocked!
Oh dear, by now I noticed what was wrong.
That I was the one who died all along!

Originally published in
January 15, 2018

Life, Sorrow, and Love

Can I be with you? Can you trust in me?
Am I not worthy to be by your side?
I am in a curse everlasting, see?
Shall I refuted be although I tried?
Hath life not given me things I deserve?
Hath life brought only sorrows to live on?
The love that I gained; love I must preserve.
The sorrow that life hath brought; HOPE be gone!
Despite the sorrow life hath brought to me
Love outhined the Dark Soul residing here.
Love vanquished the great big pain within me
Allowed thee to be brave, not knowing fear.
Life gave me sorrow, brought to thee Despair,
Love gave me thy will that none can compare.

Nine Pomegranate Seeds

Mama, the pomegranate seeds are nine
When I ate from the table of death and
Yes, I stole his cup and drank of hiw wine
He was not mad, ma, death is a great man!
His words are silk and smooth - he sings to me
A lost sheep has found its way to the dark
Do not pray for the lost sheep... it found he
The poor naive sheep stands on the red mark
Mama, the sheep ate the nine seeds of death!
Mama, the sheep lives for so long in time
The cries are not heard 'til the last of breath
Mama, his is when I have lost this line
He calls the sheep me and become his wife
No tears are shed, we last for the long life.

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