Sunday, October 16, 2022


Originally published in 
December 3, 2015


1. Make sure you have written an original sonnet. The sonnet must have:
       - 14 lines including a couplet
      -  ababcdcdefefgg rhyme scheme (Shakespearean)
     - iambic pentameter (10 syllables per line) (5 pairs of iambs)
2. Grab photos from my facebook account especially those ALBUMS that say "candid", "photoshoot", "posing2." The photos you have chosen must best represent your sonnet.
 - You can also use photos from  your collection showing YOUR skills in photography

3. Grab images from google showing monthly calendar for 2016. When you search, type the month and the year.
4. Collect 11 more sonnets from your classmates. Do not forget to write their names as authors.
5. Make a layout showing the month, the photo and the couplet taken from your sonnet.

 being an educator, 

6. Make another layout for the flip side. It must contain your sonnet and the photo that very well represents the emotion of your sonnet.
7. You are going to make 12 of these.
8. Make a page containing all the credits.
9. Mrs. Cogtas must have seen the layout before printing. You can send them through facebook.
10. The sample of the desk calendar is in the faculty room particularly on my table.
11. Deadline is on Dec. 11, 2015 (Friday).

Grade 10 Project
SY 2015 -2016

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