Tuesday, February 14, 2023



  • discovers meaning by close reading
  • focuses on form, organization and structure; word choice and language; multiple meanings
  • disregars author's intent, background or any context outside the work itself

  • meaning is found in the structure of language, NOT in art nor in the reader's mind
  • focuses on word derivations, sentence syntax, word use, etc.


  • focuses on the ideologies that support the elite and place the working class at a disadvantage
  • class conflict ; value is based on labor; the working class will eventually overthrow the capitalist middle class; the middle class exploits the working class

  • analyzes the role of gender in works of literature
  • meaning is socially constructed
  • truth is relative, highly dependent on gender

  • literature as part of history, thus an expression of forces in history
  • tells something about ideologies: slavery, rights of women, etc
  • analysis of the work in the context in which it was created
  • analysis of the work in the context in whixt it was critically evaluated
  • culture affects interpretation of historical influences of the work
  • locate hidden social messages

  • focuses on models or patterns from which all other things of a similar nature are made
  • analyzes what evokes a similar response in peole, regarless of culture
  • concerned with patterns and how they are reflected in literature

  • analyzes literature to reveal insights about the way the human mind works
  • works well as a method of analyzing characters' actions and motivations

  • values work which furthers that promotes tolerance, social justice, sensitivity to individaul wishes and talents
  • focuses on strong ethical and religious convictions


  • analyzes the author's life in relation to his/her work which can help enhance to the understanding of the text


  • meaning depends on the reader's experiences in relation to the text as they are essential in the             interpretation of the work
  • analyzes the features of the text that shape and guide a reader's reading
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