Sunday, February 19, 2023


 Plays or drama is divided into ACTS. There are typically three acts in a play but there could be more depending on the writer's creativity. 

ACT 1 - exposition

  • introduction
  • overview

ACT 2 -  inciting incident

  • darkest part of the play
  • leads to the crisis

ACT 3 - resolution

  • ending
Each ACT can be composed of one or more SCENES. Hence, an ACT is a component of the Plot while the SCENE of the ACT.

Now, about the ONE-ACT play. This one's a short play about 20-40 minutes which usually runs in one or more scenes. Well, you could use one SCENE for starters.

Here is a SAMPLE of a ONE-ACT play.


  • Since your task is a collaboration of your SCIENCE, ARALING PANLIPUNAN, ESP and ENGLISH subjects, you are to create a one-minute video which aims to advertise your product using the concepts of a ONE-ACT PLAY. 
  • Hence, this video is an infomercial at the same time.
  • Your video must also stress how your product can benefit your consumers and the community in general especially now that we are experiencing the ill effects of climate change.
So here goes the format to follow in writing your script.

  • Letter size paper | short bond paper 
  • Font: Courier 12
  • Margins: 1 inch
  • Submit a digital copy via Google Classroom.
  • Submit a printed copy. Put it in a clean folder.


  • Videos can ONLY be filmed in school during class hours.
  • Scripts MUST be submitted on the designated deadline.
  • Videos MUST run in utmost ONE MINUTE AND 30 seconds; must not go below one minute.
  • No foul language nor obscene ideas in the film.
  • SCHOOL UNIFORMS must not be used by actors. If your film is about students then, create your own concept of a school uniform.
  • THE SCHOOL LOGO must not be seen in the film. If your film is about a school, then you'll have to create your own school and logo.
  • The film must be submitted to Google Classroom on the designated due date.
  • The film must be in mp4 format and must be easily downloadable.
  • The film must indicate the title, cast, crew and a disclaimer "For school project only".
  • The film must not plagiarize existing brands so make sure no logos of existing brands are evident on your products.
  • Brand and packaging must be ORIGINAL.

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