Saturday, February 4, 2023


These are questions answerable by either yes or no. But the trouble is always how to form those questions correctly. 

So let’s dig into the details now…

First, let me introduce you to the SOLO VERBS. These are verbs that do not have helping verbs. In other words we are simply looking at the main verbs. These verbs are used in the SIMPLE PAST and the SIMPLE PRESENT tenses.

  • The main verb in the sentence is KNOWS which means when transformed into a YES-NO question, you need DOES as a helping verb which should be placed at the beginning of the question. Then use the base form of the verb knows which is KNOW. 

  • However, if the verb is already in the base form (KNOW), you are going to use DO at the beginning of the question.

  • When the main verb is in the past tense, use DID at the beginning of the question and the base form of the verb (CLIMB) after the subject.

Then, here are the VERBS IN TANDEM. These are verbs that go with helping verbs. It is much easier to form yes-no questions with these verbs compared to the SOLO verbs. Here would simply be a matter of order.

  • In this case, write the helping verb (IS) at the beginning of the question and retain the main verb. Easy-peasy! This would also be the same with the PAST PROGRESSIVE, SIMPLE FUTURE, PRESENT & PAST PERFECT TENSES.

  • In the case of the future progressive where there are three verbs, you only need the first helping verb at the beginning of the question while retaining the rest.

  • HAS is found at the beginning of the question while BEEN is retained in its position. 

  • If the sentence is negative, the same rule applies: Write the first helping verb at the beginning of the question and retain the rest.
  • However, you can also contract the first helping verb (HAS) with NOT and write the contracted word at the beginning of the question while retaining the main verb.

How about you try this!
Directions: Transform the following sentences into YES-NO questions.

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