Saturday, November 5, 2022



Here's a sample

Original Text

Paraphrased Text

Giraffes like Acacia leaves

and hay, and they can

consume 75 pounds of food

a day.

A giraffe can eat up to 75

pounds of Acacia leaves

and hay every day

(Galvez, 2003).

Here are the steps you can follow 

1. READ thoroughly the text you are supposed to paraphrase.

2. HIGHLIGHT important ideas. These ideas could somehow be an indicator of how you will see the big picture. You could also use these words and finds synonyms when you are ready to restate.

3. REARRANGE. You can do this by changing sentence structure; combine short sentences or break down long sentences.

4. RESTATE. Now you are ready to restate the idea by starting your paragraph in a different way the original paragraph is stated. You can perhaps start from the last or middle.

5. CITE. Indeed, it is just right to recognize the original source of the idea.

Here's a more complex example

Position your mouse at 5:38 of the video to lead you immediately to paraphrasing.

Check out how the paragraph below is paraphrased and used in the article below. Follow the link.

“ Despite the advent of V-chips, movie ratings and televised warnings of appropriateness for young people, American teenagers have no trouble getting access to graphic sexual presentations. And no one restricts what they hear in popular songs. The effect of abstinence-only education pales by comparison with the many graphic messages that portray sexual activity — especially unprotected sex outside of marriage — to be a part of our culture as normal and acceptable as eating a Big Mac or drinking a Coke.”

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